I’m often surprised to see so few video examples of Circling (that I know of) to show people what it actually looks like.
Circling is sometimes hard to explain to people. I think some good examples could really help get more people interested in trying it out.
Well, in preparation for a weekend I’m leading with Pamela French (for her group Authentic Relating Ottawa) next month, we recorded a few Circles.
Here is ten minutes of me Circling Pamela:
Note that this is just one example of a formal Circle, which (like yoga) can look very different depending on the personal style of the facilitator, where they trained, the format being practiced, and even the other person or people involved.
(Circling can also be practiced informally as a set of skills that can be applied to different levels in almost any interaction.)
So, if people ask you what Circling is and you feel this is close to what it means for you, then please do feel free to share.
By the way, if this is something you’d like to learn, check out the next Level 1 Circling Comprehensive (starting Nov 28, 2018).