Relational-Confidence Coaching
for neurodivergent(ish) leaders & helpers
(1on1 or Pairs)



“Through these sessions I’ve noticed greater self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-compassion. I’m voicing disappointments and anger with more confidence and ease.”
Suzy Jeppesen, former client

(read full testimonial and others below)



(Hey! Want to skip the details? Here are the need-to-knows: )



(More details below… obviously 😉)



Who for: 
leaders & helpers who tend to hide or mask their true feelings to maintain harmony, avoid impacting others, or not be rejected. Great for neurodivergent (and neurocurious) professionals.

What:  practice connecting inward, sharing what you normally hold back, and discover what gets in the way of that for you.  Can be done 1on1 or with an interested friend / colleague / partner.

Why:  increase confidence to show up more authentically with others, deepen your connection with / impact on them, and feel better in the process.

When:  one 75min session at a time, at your own pace

How much:  150 for one session, packages available. (Details under ‘Cost’.)

Questions? / How to apply:  use contact form below.




“This has had a huge impact on how I live at work, at home, and in all social settings. I have noticed that I have more dignity and humility as a whole. And I have gained confidence to explore connection with myself and others as I learn how to live with these attributes more.”
Kat DiPietro, AIA, EDAC, LEED AP, SSYB, Principal, Healthcare Architect, BSA LifeStructures

(read full testimonial and others below)



Relational-confidence coaching is an approach I developed to help you see and get past your relational “blind spots”: the ways you unknowingly hold back with others, are held back internally, and how you impact or are impacted by others.


These experiences lie below the level of our awareness but have profound effects on the quality of our relationships and interactions, and consequently our leadership, for ourselves and those on the other end.


They affect how confident we feel, how much people trust us, and how comfortable they feel in our presence. They can make the difference between feeling drained or inspired after an interaction.


“The session with Josh was hugely valuable—and efficient. I was given a window into what was interfering with people “getting” me, being open to me, and even supporting me. The first important insight was to see that my areas of disconnection with people were behaviours that I could fix—that I wasn’t a bad person [who was] destined to be aloof and alone…”
Shen Christine Adachi, Student Therapist

(read full testimonial and others below)


I help you start to see your blind spots using a deceptively-simple but potent exercise of revealing yourself and hearing the impact that has. The exercise shines a light on what’s actually going on—in the moment—that makes things so hard for you.


It’s also an opportunity to practice taking risks in being more real with someone and seeing what impact that has.


Through debriefing and the occasional “time out”, we explore these areas of difficulty together, sometimes digging into the layers of your experience, other times doing little experiments in alternate ways of being.


My hope is that by seeing your relational blind spots, you’ll gain more freedom to show up in more life-giving ways in every interaction.


“If you are looking to break through self-criticism, lack of self-acceptance, and other challenges in relating authentically and richly with yourself and others, working with Josh is an extremely valuable experience.”
Arven Alexander, Co-Founder of Circling Melbourne

(read full testimonial and others below)



This might be for you if

    • you want richer, more easeful, and more empowering connections with people
    • you want more ease, courage, and facility in speaking your truth
    • you’re ready to take an honest and vulnerable look at yourself and some of your core insecurities, and willing to experience the discomfort that comes with that
    • you have some self-awareness and the vocabulary to identify (more or less) the emotions you’re feeling.
    • you want to be more impactful and “of service” in your life and work


“The most valuable part was being able to see my difficulties when receiving impact, sharing impact and stating my truth. I think I have more awareness of my reactions as a result of doing this, especially when someone says something nice about me that is hard to take in. Overall it was good. And helpful. And a tiny bit scary, in a good way.”

Jessica Domoney, former client

(read full testimonial and others below)


This might NOT be for you if:

    • you’re not up for the discomfort and vulnerability of sharing some of your truth and hearing how that impacts someone. While most people find doing with me feels fairly safe, that doesn’t mean it’s comfortable. I doubt you’ll get much out of it if you’re not taking risks.
    • your emotional vocabulary is limited to “good”, “bad”, “fine”, “okay”, and [shrugs shoulders] 🤷. 
    • you’re in it mostly for a connection high. Connection will happen, but that’s not what I’m here for. These sessions are about gaining awareness and practicing (building your relational “muscles”)—so that you can show up more fully in your life and maybe be more of a contribution to others.
    • you want to work on stuff that shows up for you in groups. While I believe the way you show up 1on1 mirrors how you show up in all situations, you may prefer the dynamics of a group program, like my Art of Being Real mini intensive (join my email list to be notified of future group events).



“I really appreciated Josh’s relaxed non-hyper-professional approach. It felt very human, very safe, and very nourishing. Doing this with him has changed my awareness of myself, my patterns, and some things I would like to change in two really important relationships.”
Kate L, former client

(read full testimonial and others below)



Sessions are 75 min long over Zoom video.




    • 1 session  =  150 
    • 4 sessions  =   560      

    • 8 sessions  =   1,100    


(Currency: US if you live in US, UK, or EU. Canadian for everyone else. New clients need to do a single session before booking a package.)


Pairs coaching option:  Split the price with a friend, colleague, or partner—who’s interested, willing, and open to this—and do the exercises / receive coaching together. A nice hybrid between 1on1 and group work.


(Scroll down for more testimonials.)



Have questions? Ready to give it a shot? Use the form below and I’ll get back to you shortly:






“Through these sessions I’ve noticed greater self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-compassion. I’m voicing disappointments and anger with more confidence and ease. (My partner said recently: “I’m glad you’re not a pushover!”)

In our sessions, my habitual freeze response during 1-1 silence became less sticky as I started to notice it while it was happening. It was healing to voice it, be witnessed and hear Josh’s impact. Josh summarized it well for me in a session: I imagine being scrutinized. Then he shares his impact and I get to experience his care, building safety. It’s hard to connect inward with my own heart while I’m contending to the perceived threat outside: co-regulation is sometimes essential.

Josh is really good at helping me to see where I’m judging or not accepting my experience. He brings a high level of presence, attunement, knowledge and skill. The sessions seem to flow. There’s humour and no agenda—just options. Though Josh will remind you this isn’t therapy, sessions with him were often more illuminating than what I was experiencing with my therapist! He brings his finely tuned perception and relaxed awareness to these sessions. I’m glad I invested in a package.”
Suzy Jeppesen, former client


“This coaching has been so valuable for me. I felt safe with Josh to see and be encouraged to see some of my blind spots and valued taking time to hear and process them. Being seen is vulnerable and scary for me, but the pace and container of the revealing game allowed me one foot in my comfort zone and one foot out. I really valued the opportunity to be connected to and feel the energy of authentically being me.

I didn’t realize that I would be practicing out of my comfort zone as much as Josh would let me and support me in. But he respected the pace that was right for opening up awareness and connection outside my comfort zone, and didn’t slow it down or speed it up without consent and transparency.

This has had a huge impact on how I live at work, at home, and in all social settings. I have noticed that I have more dignity and humility as a whole. And I have gained confidence to explore connection with myself and others as I learn how to live with these attributes more.”
Kat DiPietro, AIA, EDAC, LEED AP, SSYB, Principal, Healthcare Architect, BSA LifeStructures



“Having experienced Josh’s work before I was sure that a coaching session would be worthwhile, and I’m very glad I made the time. I was given the opportunity to speak and be reflected, which allowed me to access important aspects of myself that were previously unconscious. I feel the biggest shift was in being a little more compassionate to myself, as if perhaps my self-acceptance and self-care has risen a notch. Basically, I feel more comfortable just being myself, more relaxed in certain settings, and have had some wonderful conversations with people from the heart. If you are looking to break through self-criticism, lack of self-acceptance, and other challenges in relating authentically and richly with yourself and others, working with Josh is an extremely valuable experience. In a field that is at last starting to become known and have a wider impact in the world, Josh is definitely the genuine article.”
Arven Alexander, Co-Founder of Circling Melbourne


“It was super helpful to have the time and support to reveal and examine some of the places I hold back, and to have the opportunity to further explore areas that I struggle with.

The most valuable part was being able to see (literally, as I could see my erratic body language on the screen) my difficulties when receiving impact, sharing impact and stating my truth. To see myself in this very anxious and avoidant state was odd, but surprisingly helpful. It somehow allowed me to feel more compassion for this uncertain woman in front of me. I am often sitting in my nervous thoughts, but something about seeing myself and my defensive body language allowed me to really understand that I have legit struggles.

I think I have more awareness of my reactions as a result of doing this, especially when someone says something nice about me that is hard to take in. I’m more aware of how uncomfortable I actually am, mostly because I have been trying not to ‘jump’ out of those moments.

Overall it was good. And helpful. And a tiny bit scary, in a good way.”
Jessica Domoney, former client


“Before our session I was excited, but also hesitant because I had no idea what I was headed for. But trusting that my intuition was guiding me, I knew this was something I wanted to do.

I really appreciated Josh’s relaxed non-hyper-professional approach. It felt very human, very safe, and very nourishing. Doing this with him has changed my awareness of myself, my patterns, and some things I would like to change in two really important relationships.

Since our first session, I have become aware that I have the ability to focus my attention on how someone else is feeling, and then switch it to focusing on how I am feeling. I have had a really hard time paying attention to myself while interacting with others, so that is a big step.

Another big thing has been the experience around how often I assume that I am responsible for how others are feeling, and how it is a big part of how I keep myself “safe”. I have thought about that often, but in the session with Josh I actually got to experience it, to notice myself in action spending all my mental energy trying to figure out if I was to “blame” for how he was feeling. I’ve never actually seen or been present to how deeply it affects me.

The session also helped me to see patterns in a couple of my closest relationships where I have ignored how I feel in small ways that have grown bigger and bigger based off of not wanting to be blamed, or not feeling like I am enough.

Overall, the changes I am seeing are starting out small, but I am working on some really deeply ingrained patterns here.

The most positive part of this for me was the understanding that this is something I can practice, this relating to others and to myself in flow. That I don’t have to stay stuck in the patterns, or expect myself to fix them immediately. That I can build a new pattern, slowly but surely, that really works for me and for everyone around me. I am incredibly grateful to have done this session, and am certainly looking forward to more!”
Kate L. , former client


“Debating whether to sign up, I had imagined that Josh could offer me a tip or two to enhance the way that I spoke with clients and with friends: for example, learn how to stop asking invasive questions. I had dithered, thinking that the simple structure of the sessions would prove limiting and uninteresting, and not reveal much. But there it was: I was hearing too often that people weren’t always getting an authentic sense of “me” and my intentions, and that that sometimes interfered with them fully trusting me. This mattered. I wanted to be brave, and to get some honest feedback and coaching. I registered for a session.

The session with Josh was hugely valuable—and efficient. I was given a window into what was interfering with people “getting” me, being open to me, and even supporting me. The first important insight was to see that my areas of disconnection with people were behaviours that I could fix—that I wasn’t a bad person, or destined to be aloof and alone more often than I wished, or connected only to those with the stamina to “work through” labored interactions.

Most valuable from the session: Help in identifying when and how I was hard to understand. Being given the space to drop down into my unexplored feelings. Having the immediate experience of my deeper expression opening my listener, Josh. Having gently pointed out to me the behaviours that alienate my listener: excessive detail, mechanical questions, mentalizing rather than sharing feelings. A simple in-session practice in truncating my shares proved to be immensely powerful!

For an opportunity to examine your relating habits under the eye of a patient, skillful coach: do a session. To learn experientially how to deepen your connection with yourself and with others: lean into it. The format is deceptively simple. Josh is amazingly astute. What you learn could change the way that you present yourself, how others see you, and how they respond. That information can only be worth it.”
Shen Christine Adachi, Student Therapist