When you join the Awkward-Leadership newsletter, I collect your first and last name, your email address, and whether or not you are a robot.
My email-list client, Active Campaign, also collects your IP address and provides me with your general location (city and country) and sometimes other information (that I’m not sure how it gets) like your Twitter, Facebook, and/or Linked-In addresses.
I use this information only to email you about Awkward-Leadership news, events, and offerings.
I do not and will never sell your information.
As far as I know, I am the only person with access to this information. I say “as far as I know” because I’m not sure what kind of access Active Campaign has (but I’m pretty sure they’re not going to touch it).
If you live in the EU, these are your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
If you have any questions or if you would like me to remove or change your information, please email josh [at] awkward [dash] leadership [dot] com. Or use my contact form here.