Coaching and workshops for neurodivergent professionals to deeply serve their clients, without burning out.

Staying connected with yourself is the key to navigating the awkward moments and having the impact you know you’re capable of.


It’s also where we tend to struggle, because as coaches, therapists, group facilitators, or leaders in other professions, it’s easy to lose yourself in other people’s needs and emotions, get lost in analysis-mode, or even zone out, which makes you less effective in holding space and catalyzing positive shifts.


This is especially challenging when you are also neurodivergent with tendencies toward people-pleasing, overgiving, overthinking, overplanning, second-guessing yourself, worrying about what your clients are thinking… plus everyday masking.


If you’ve been getting stressed out in sessions, suffer post-session self-doubt, or are on the edges of burnout, you’re in the right place.  



Your clients need you to show up as your whole self — and you need it too.

Here you’ll develop the foundational tools to stay present and connected with yourself so you can more meaningfully connect with the people you serve. 



Hi, I’m Josh Stein, and I am awkward. 

And neurodivergent. And an experienced facilitator who started out wanting to do everything exactly right so I could give my very best. So I overplanned my sessions, second-guessed myself, and became very uncomfortable when something didn’t go according to plan. The worst moments were when something unexpected happened and I didn’t know the ‘right thing’ to say, or didn’t have the perfect answer at the ready. Then I would slide into self-judgment, get caught up in analysis mode, and scramble to salvage the session. It was an exhausting pattern.

(read more about me here)

In my experience, the key to better sessions and better service for your clients isn’t to be ‘perfect’ or to try harder — it’s to embrace the awkwardness.

Feeling awkward means we are tuned into ourselves, our own emotions, and the present moment. We’re not trying to be anything we’re not, so we are more available to listen to what our clients really need. You’re working from a more receptive place when you’re not caught up in the anxiety of doing everything right. And you’ll be more likely to deliver the experience they need.



My job is to connect you with your body and emotions, reveal what is tying up your energy, and help you see yourself more clearly, so you can access the insights that lead to showing up more fully and giving your clients your best.



When you come into alignment with yourself, you tap into a reservoir of energy, insight, knowledge, and intuition you didn’t even know was there. 


So you can serve your people better, without feeling drained. 




Work with me

I offer 1:1 coaching sessions and group workshops 


Relational Burnout Sessions (1on1)

Stop the self-defeating behaviour patterns that keep you over-stretched and overwhelmed


The Art of Being Real (group program)

Practice unmasking and sharing what you normally hold back in a safe space (because not being yourself is exhausting)